Avrum's blog

Here you will find Meaning4theMasses

Bar/Bat Mitzvah Coaching

Jewish Rites of Passage – Once in a Lifetime!

I have facilitated many bar/bat mitzvot over the years and concluded that more often than not, young people are not connected to this important rite of passage in the way they could be.

This reality saddens me because a bar/bat mitzvah celebration comes around once in a lifetime and has the potential to be very beautiful. I remember mine well, and most people I’ve asked have very fond and warm memories of their great day.

Therefore when I sit with the celebrants and their parents my goal is to encourage them to find a magical and special relationship between them and their bar/bat mitzvah.

As a BAR/BAT MITZVAH COACH I compel the young women/men to think hard about who they are as a Jew and human being and wonder about their relationship to the Jewish community, the world and God.

I ask questions such as: what are you passionate about? What do you love in life? What does this day say to you, and what about your Torah portion resonates? We discuss their Torah portion and life.

I want to know who the bar/bat mitzvah celebrants are, and I am intent upon them having an appreciation for their own gifts and how that can play out at the Bar/Bat Mitzvah.

Once again, my goal over 2 1-hour sessions is to create an environment whereby the family, and in particular the bar/bat mitzvah participant will sense and feel a strong bond with this simchah (celebration).

It is a beautiful day and so important it is maximized.


If you are interested in my services please contact me at avrum@veahavta.org . I will tell you more about how Bar/Bat Mitzvah Coaching works and what you can expect from it.

Consider how much money you will spend on flowers and a band, and then ask yourself it isn’t worth it to spend $500 to ensure a day, unlike any other….one in which your celebration is powerful and your family will feel great amount of joy and happiness.

Mazel tov, Congratulations



My Bio:

I have twenty years experience working in non-profits. In 1996 I launched a brand new organization called Ve’ahavta: The Canadian Jewish Humanitarian & Relief Committee, Canada’s only organization of its kind (www.veahavta.org).

I am a speech writer, a weekly columnist for the Canadian Jewish News (www.cjnews.com); a contributor to  Haaretz.com as well as producer and star in various radio and television shows. I currently can be seen on SunTV in a show called The Moveable Feast which is aired six times a week.


  • I have raised millions of dollars for Ve’ahavta, United Jewish Appeal and other organizations. To see the results of my efforts go to www.veahavta.org . I have established board of directors, developed staff compliments and a plethora of programming. I understand all aspects of small to mid-size organizations and am happy to share information with you.
  • You can read my weekly columns at www.cjnews.com . I have written for Haaretz.com, Jewish publications in North America, The Toronto Sun, Toronto Star, The Tony Blair Faith Foundation Blog.
  • Blogger at http://avrum.net


Please contact me through my blog or at avrum@veahavta.org or call 416 525 5627.

2 comments on “Bar/Bat Mitzvah Coaching

  1. Charlie Diamond
    December 24, 2009

    Your column in the 24-12-09 CJN on homelessness was excellent. I was saddened to see no mention of public policy, especially in regards to the tax cuts we’ve had since 1995, the Mike Harris years, and the federal cutbacks in transfer payments, downloading and the on-going clamouriong for yet more tax cuts. We need to be reminded that the extra few dollars that we benefit from in tax cuts come at the expense of people who cannot afford our extra cups of coffee a month.

  2. yaldahma
    June 7, 2012

    The best thing I learned from your blog is that great amount of joy and happiness of your family is important rather than spending much on other things.
    appropriate bat mitzvah gifts

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